Building a shared knowledge base for the sharp end of hospital medicine

Developing knowledge summaries for everything you need to know when looking after sick and undifferentiated patients

We strive to dig into the ‘whys’ of medicine. Looking at the physiology behind conditions and pathology as well as the current guidance and research.

Welcome to the Fundamentals of Critical Care, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (FOCREM)

This is a passion project being built over time. It has started from a desire to make teaching materials available for those that are unable to attend the teaching sessions due being on leave or having to work clinically. A problem I am sure everyone recognises.

With time the library of resources will grow and will continued to be developed and refined. The inital focus has been on things that are common, poorly understood or where there is a lack of material elsewhere.

Currently we have reference materials only but there is an aim to develop video tutorials and podcasts to go alongside the written material.

Hopefully it goes without saying that the content here is not for use in individual patient decision making, its to provide an understanding for clinicians to have a better understanding of how to look after their own patients and any protocols/treatment plans are example only and we would encourage clinicians and patients to look at their local or national protocols when delivering or receiving care

Give us your feedback

Have you found something you think is wrong or have a better way of explaining it? Let us know

Or maybe you have a topic that you think should be covered, also let us know.
